Begin browsing videos & posters

    The competition ran May 22nd – May 25th, 2012. Graduate students from NSF-funded IGERT programs share videos & posters describing their innovative, interdisciplinary research. We invite you to watch intro video, video of student reflections, and see competition awardees

    The 2013 competition took place May 21st to May 24th, 2013. We invite you to visit.

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    Browse the Awardees’ Videos & Posters

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    • About the Video & Poster Competition
    • About IGERT.org
    • About the IGERT Program
    • FAQs for Presenters
    • FAQs for Judges
    • 可众用什么梯子
    • FAQs for Guests Visiting Presentations

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    View presentations from industry and NSF professionals on learning, collaborating, and networking.
    See Video Archive of Meeting

    This competition is run in conjunction with the IGERT 2012 Annual PI meeting.

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    高速上区间测速超速多少算违章- 爬墙专用加速器

    大家都用什么梯子大家都用什么梯子Icon for: Erin Baker大家都用什么梯子Icon for: Michael Wellman

    高速上区间测速超速多少算违章- 爬墙专用加速器

    546 Discussion posts See Most Discussed »

    高速上区间测速超速多少算违章- 爬墙专用加速器

    • Hannah Owens’s poster was viewed
    • Kristy Jost’s poster was viewed
    • Andrew Huynh’s poster was viewed
    • Kristina Hernandez’s poster was viewed
    • 现在可众用的梯子 was viewed
    • Nicole Hayes’s poster was viewed
    • 大家都用什么梯子 was viewed
    • Geoffrey Benn’s poster was viewed
    • 现在墙内可众用的梯子 was viewed
    • 现在墙内可众用的梯子 was viewed
    • Kristin Gabor’s poster was viewed
    • Miles Detrixhe’s poster was viewed
    • Judith Ramos’s poster was viewed
    • Dylan Storey’s poster was viewed
    • Aleia McCord’s poster was viewed
    • Robert Congdon’s poster was viewed
    • Margery Hines’s poster was viewed
    • Elizabeth Makrides’s poster was viewed
    • Karl Jarvis’s poster was viewed
    • Elizabeth Makrides’s poster was viewed

    高速上区间测速超速多少算违章- 爬墙专用加速器

    高速上区间测速超速多少算违章- 爬墙专用加速器

    28462 Video plays
    19518 Poster views
    596769 Unique visitors from 222 countries
    1194 Judges’ Queries & Presenters’ Replies

    During Event: (May 22–25, 2012)

    1740 Discussion posts See Most Discussed »
    948 Community Choice votes cast
    3919 Public Choice votes cast

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